ska_ser_skallop.subscribing package


ska_ser_skallop.subscribing.base module

ska_ser_skallop.subscribing.event_item module

ska_ser_skallop.subscribing.helpers module

ska_ser_skallop.subscribing.message_board module

ska_ser_skallop.subscribing.message_handler module

ska_ser_skallop.subscribing.producers module

ska_ser_skallop.subscribing.subscription module

Module contents

Subscribing allows the monitoring of events generated from diverse producers at a central place. If you have producer A and B, for which you expect over the course of a test to produce events 1,2,3; then you set up a message board to which these producers can post if and when they generate the expected event. Then at the appropriate time, you can access these events, check their order, analyse their timing and or verify their content within your test.

The example below illustrates the concept: